
A showcase of my recent work and side projects

Taxi App

Taxi App

PythonAlgorithmDispatch System

A taxi dispatch app similar to Uber using Python for both front-end and back-end. The app dispatches closest drivers to waiting passengers based on the Manhattan distance function, ensuring a prompt and reliable service.

Music Metric

Music Metric


A dynamic music app resembling Spotify built with Java. Users can register, follow their favorite artists, and explore monthly trends in music. They can also see the top trending artists based on their play growth rate passed from a certain threshold.

PDF Compressor

PDF Compressor

PythonReactAIAWS SES

A PDF compressor using Python and React, aimed at efficiently reducing the size of PDF files. While Python handled the compression process, Integrated AI APIs to generate insightful summaries from the compressed content and send it to the user via email automation API (AWS SES).

Cell Phone Provider App

Cell Phone Provider App


An app with Python similar to Fido that gives information about customers and their bills and phone calls. The frontend shows the exact location of the caller and the one who is being called. In the backend, customer's bill will be generated based on the customer type of phone plan.

Avante Project

Avante Project


An app using Kotlin, Unity and Google's ARCore that enables users to design their homes on their phones by placing built-in furniture virtually. The furniture items can be placed on the screen and adjusted on your home as you desire.